Detox Program?

A detox program is the initial phase of an alcohol and substance abuse program. Clients will be monitored around the clock to ensure a safe and stable environment at all times.

Medical detox is used to help clients who are struggling with withdrawal symptoms as they detoxify their bodies.

Depending on the substance, withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable, painful, and lead to medical complications. In these cases, it is very important that you go through the detox process in a medical facility where they can get professional care.

What individuals find in detox programs include:

Getting rid of the harmful substances in the body helps clear the body and mind. Once the toxins are removed in a detox program, healing can begin.

What Is Withdrawal?

When it comes to detox, you should be worried about the dangerous and even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms that can occur from alcohol and substance abuse. For those dealing with an alcohol or substance use disorder, withdrawal symptoms often occur 8 hours after the last use, with the symptoms peaking after 24 to 72 hours. However, symptoms can last as long as a few weeks and months. For those struggling with sobriety, these withdrawal symptoms can be detrimental to their success, because it is much easier to go back to old habits when you are dealing with physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include:

While these can be problematic, the issues only continue to get worse, some of the more serious symptoms associated with alcohol and substance abuse withdrawal include:

Despite these problems and life-threatening issues, detox programs are in place to help you when dealing with withdrawal. During an HB Treatment Centers detox program, clients will be medically supervised as they deal with the various stages of alcohol and substance abuse withdrawal. Medical professionals will ensure their symptoms don’t progress to become too dangerous and will work to flush their system and help with the early stages of sobriety.

As mentioned before, this stage of alcohol and substance abuse treatment is vital. Many people looking to get sober will give up during this period as the withdrawal symptoms can be too strong and they can succumb to their cravings once more. Finding a detox near you can be the difference in your or your loved one’s long-term sobriety.

What to Look for in a Detox Program

When searching for a detox program in California, check to see if the center is accredited and certified. Their staff should be friendly and experienced in treating substance use and mental health disorders during detox.

Look for specialized programs like the following:

Ensuring that the treatment program can deal with all of these forms of alcohol and substance abuse is vital. Along with widespread treatment options, you want to make sure that whatever treatment or detox center you are looking into is properly licensed and is accredited with a Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission. This type of accreditation shows a health care center that goes above and beyond to ensure client safety and treatment modalities.

Speaking of treatment modalities, addiction treatment doesn’t have to end with a detox program. You want to make sure that, whichever treatment center you choose, they also help with finding an intensive outpatient program as well as aftercare and alumni resources. Ensuring that they are utilizing evidence-based treatment methods like medication-assisted treatment can also be a good thing to look for, especially if you or your loved one will be dealing with opioid or alcohol withdrawal problems.

Call the highly trained admissions team at HB Treatment Centers to get a complimentary verification of benefits and answers to all your questions.

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